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Project presentation 26th January 2024

The kick-off event of the project “Value-added recycled materials from construction and demolition waste” will take place on Friday 26th January, in the auditorium of ESEB and at the same time live streaming on the ESEB YouTube channel, Program of the event:
  • institutional greetings from Riccardo Trichilo, CEO Csmt; Alberto Bonetti, Order of Engineers Brescia and Giovanni Plizzari, full professor of the Dicatam department of Università degli Studi di Brescia;
  • interventions of César Seoanez, Cinea project advisor on EU policies on waste recycling; Corrado Gatti, CEO of the Gatti Group and coordinator of CDW Circle, who will briefly present the pilot project; Francesco Onori, chief operating officer of Cavart Srl, on the pilot plant in CDW Circle and Georg Weingrill, Binder+Co product manager, who will explain the optical sorting technology;
  • Coffee break
  • interventions of Sabrina Sorlini of the Dicatam department, with a speech on the environmental advantages of using recycled building materials and Paola Zerbinati, Lombardy Region official, who will illustrate regulations, guidelines and prospects for the use of recycled aggregates;
  • conclusions of Giorgio Maione, Councilor for the Environment and Climate of the Lombardy Region.
  • The event will be moderated by Antonio Crescini, ESEB director.

To register, fill out the following form:

Registration open until 12/25 at 12.00
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