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- Construction Demolition Waste -

Value-added recycled materials from construction and demolition waste
CDW Circle has the ambitious goal of achieving total recycling of construction and demolition waste (CDW) through the production of value-added secondary raw materials to be reused in the construction sector. The project will therefore combine economic sustainability with environmental sustainability.

To achieve this goal, the project aims to:

  • for the selective separation of concrete aggregates from bricks and other waste materials (metals, wood, plastic, etc.) by implementing a new stationary pilot plant at the Gatti Group site in Lograto (BS)
  • Improve the selection of CDW using the most innovative technologies such as advanced optical sorting techniques provided by Binder+Co
  • Develop and test new concrete mixtures using an appropriate fraction of recycled aggregates with performance comparable to conventional products in terms of costs and quality
  • Create some market niches for inert materials by trying to enhance the economic value of these products. Existing tools will be used, such as the “Inert Market” exchange platform implemented by the Lombardy Region


of raw materials used in the production of the European construction sector


of the total inert materials, the flow of CDW special waste produced in Europe (Eurostat data)


of the CDW recycled in Italy is now reused to produce new concrete for structural and non-structural applications (Anpar Italia data)

90.000 ton

of annual material that the project undertakes to recover

Latest News

CDW Circle returns to Ance Brescia magazine

CDW Circle returns to Ance Brescia magazine to outline the initiative about the data on construction and demolition waste recovery.A preview is shown also in the drafts of the pilot…

CDW Circle on the pages of Costruire il futuro magazine

Cdw Circle on the pages of AnceBrescia “Costruire il futuro” magazine.The project is introduced to the readers – technicians, companies, institutions and the media – presenting the goals and operational…

CDW Circle is now public

Event registration 1/26 More than 200 people, both live and connected remotely, attended the presentation event of the “Cdw Circle” project. Engineers, surveyors and architects, as well as mining and…

Project presentation 26th January 2024

The kick-off event of the project “Value-added recycled materials from construction and demolition waste” will take place on Friday 26th January, in the auditorium of ESEB and at the same time…

A logo for the initiative

The CDW Circle project is recognizable through a logo which, thaks to a succession of circular shape segments, recalls the themes of the circular economy, the recycling process and the…

The CDW Circle project is born

The “Value-added recycled materials from construction and demolition waste – CDW Circle” project takes shape. This project benefits from the co-financing of the LIFE Programme, the European Union’s main financial…

The 7 Phases of the Project

WP 1 - CDW Pilot Plant for Process Feasibility Verification (CAVART):

• Design and construct an innovative plant for full separation and recycling of CDW fractions.
• Goals include executive plant design, construction, installation, commissioning, and feasibility verification.
• The pilot plant aims to treat up to 15-20 tons/hour of CDW materials.

WP 2 - CDW Pilot Plant Upgrade and Full-Scale Validation (GATTI):

• Upgrade pilot based on WP1 outputs.
• Conduct full-scale process validation, treating up to 50 tons/hour of CDW materials.
• Optimize output streams, materials, and calculate the efficiency index of the new process.

WP3 - Technical and Environmental Characterization of Recycled Materials (UNIBS):

• Characterize recycled materials obtained from the innovative process.
• Evaluate recycled concrete’s technical properties in lab and in-field.
• Assess environmental impact through dedicated tests, potentially defining new standards.

WP 4 - Exploitation and Transfer of Project Results (GATTI):

• Conduct formation activities for result replication and transfer.
• Involve stakeholders and policymakers through
regional tables and working groups.
• Survey CDW material flows, provide guidelines for aggregate production, and analyze regulatory
• Perform economic analysis and prepare business plans.

WP 5 - Monitoring and Evaluation of Project Impacts (UNIBS):

• Assess environmental and socio-economic impacts using established methodologies.
• Deliver detailed environmental profiles compared to traditional approaches.
• Produce a report on socio-economic impacts, analyzing economic and growth perspectives and local population effects.

WP 6 - Communication and Dissemination of Results (ESEB):

• Conduct proactive dissemination and
communication of LIFE project and results.
• Engage stakeholders, network, and establish links with relevant European-funded projects.

WP 7 - Project Management (GATTI/CSMT):

Coordination of the project and consortium for effective management.

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